What a morning! I woke and readied myself and went to work as usual, in spite of the torrential rains we are having. I caught my train to Conshohocken in Philly and tried to get into a new book but I found myself more interested in the flooded streets we were passing. The train came to a halt at the first stop at Temple University and sat for almost ten minutes before the conductors announced that the train would not be going any further down the line and that it would be returning to the Market East station. Well, that took another fifteen minutes before that happened. Meanwhile, I discovered that my cell phone was dead and I couldn't communicate with my office. I had to wait until I took the High Speed Line back to my car in Jersey before I could charge my phone and call Conshohocken. And once I did I discovered that the Schuylkill River was overflowing the banks and that the water was beginning to approach the office building. The office manager told everyone to go home at 11:45. Me, I came home, ate a donut and laid down to take a nap.
Hmmm...some stories don't carry as much of an impact as you think they will once you type them out...