I'm back from an interesting evening: I met DJ at his apartment at 6 and we talked through the song lineup and looked for a good moonshine song. At eight we went to an Irish pub on 45th Street where David Ludkin, who played Will in the WILL ROGERS FOLLIES tour and the Balladeer in the City Opera production of Britten's PAUL BUNYAN, was holding a hootenanny. The cast of BRIEF ENCOUNTER was there, playing along with David and the other musicians who included two accordionists, 3 guitarists, a bass, and a young lady on mandolin who clearly played only on occasion and didn't seem to mind that she was never in tune with everyone else. Thankfully, she didn't play in every number.
My friend Nick Corley, who's directing David in a Woody Guthrie show next month in London was there, and he and DJ and I had a good visit. When I left, a ukelele player had shown up, and I suspect the party will go on for some time tonight. It was great.
Now I want to see BRIEF ENCOUNTER.