In answer to DR Jose's question from yesterday's thread, yes, the citizens of Brigadoon would have had ale for breakfast. And ale for lunch, and dinner too.
Which explains why it didn't bother them, sleeping for a century between some of those meals.
Truth to tell, the story of Brigadoon is kind of creepy. They only live one day per century? So, if they plant a crop, by the time they awaken, that crop will have gone to seed a hundred times already? How are they supposed to live, if they can't grow new food? After a certain number of millenia, they'd all starve to death! And I'd not want to consider what they'd be like during the end time, when there's only a teensy, weensy amount of food left and they're all battling for the last crumb! This marvelous fairy tale could rapidly turn into a retelling of the Donner Party story!
Like I say, creepy.
The moral being, of course, be careful what you wish for.