Back from maybe the single most excruciating evening in a theater I've ever had - I don't really need to say more than that - in the audience, since the show deals with ladies of the silver screen (sort of a tribute show by a Brit female singer) they bring a celeb to each show - tonight it was supposed to be Esther Williams but she wasn't well enough to attend - her husband was there. So was Richard Chamberlain and Linda Gray. At the top of act two the singer does her bit for Marlene Dietrich - this involves bringing someone up from the audience so she can sing Falling In Love Again to them. The minute I realized she was going to do that I knew I was in the hot seat - and I was. Up she brought me - it was okay and I did some takes as you would imagine, but knowing a lot about how audience participation works (thanks to the Brain) what you really want is someone who will be VERY uncomfortable and embarrassed - that's when the real fun can happen.
Anyway, the lady's husband played the piano, operated the endless video, and pushed the buttons for the pre-recorded tracks, which were the worst synth-laden tracks I've ever heard. It was like a bad Vegas lounge show.