Good morning, all! The cold that has been flirting with my immune system for the past four weeks has landed; my throat is raw, my head is filled with gunk, and I cannot stop coughing. To make thngs worse, I really do not wish to go out into the rain today, and I have a date wth Jo Loesser to see the 2:30 performance of the opera SUMMER AND SMOKE at Manhattan School of Music. I may call Ron Raines in another hour and see if he would like to take Jo to the performance; I don't want to pass this on to her, and tomorrow I am supposed to go into the Loesser office and begin more work on MOST HAPPY FELLA. Oy.
DR KevinH, right now I am so strapped for cash I can only get to the corner and back, although I would like to see the show on the 21st. I guess it all depends on how soon I'm paid for the McGlinnventory work - my last invoice payment is now about a week late and I'm sending out the next invoice on Wednesday. This is a bad month because I have health insurance, estimated state tax payment, rent, and holiday gifts. I am rather stressed at the moment!