Marvin looks like Spats!
I know, but I think spats is still more adorable. I checked all of Marvin's headshots. I'm also checking out Petfinder; some of the stories are shocking and horrible. I thought things like "The Great Cat Massacre" went out in the 18th Century!
Of course, DR Laura can attest otherwise and I'm certain she's heard far too many horror stories.
Horrible things still happen to helpless animals. When I got Nicholas at the Humane Society, he was fixed and declawed. He had also been abandoned. Who would throw a defenseless, clawless cat out into the cold?
If he had been declawed and fixed I would be surprised if he was abandoned - perhaps he ran away
When I was a kid we moved houses and brought our (indoor) cat with us - somebody opened the door to the bathroom where he was being kept during the move in and he disappeared never to be seen by the likes of me again...
perhaps Nicholas had a similar history
at least I would like to think so.....