Jello was made earlier. I'm just waiting for it to firm up.I love Jello.
Quote from: John G. on December 19, 2010, 09:27:53 AMQuote from: Ben on December 19, 2010, 09:24:41 AMJello was made earlier. I'm just waiting for it to firm up.I love Jello.As long as nothing strange is lurking in it. Like lima beans. I think DRs Ben, Ginny and I prefer the traditional "Lime Jello Marshmallow Cottage Cheese Surprise."I've made out my invocie to the Institute and sent it off, and I think I will run my errands now.
Quote from: Ben on December 19, 2010, 09:24:41 AMJello was made earlier. I'm just waiting for it to firm up.I love Jello.As long as nothing strange is lurking in it. Like lima beans.
Quote from: Jennifer on December 19, 2010, 06:21:43 AMDR Jane if nobody else wants a tree but you couldn't you just decorate a smaller tree?I have a mini table top tree but can't find the mini decorations for it. I might have dumped the old tree with the worn decorations. I have more decorations to scatter around the house today, including beautifully wrapped empty gift boxes I have saved over the years.
DR Jane if nobody else wants a tree but you couldn't you just decorate a smaller tree?
BK, I am enormous fan of the original TRUE GRIT. I do not think it is Wayne's best performance, though a mighty fine one. I advise you to go see the new TRUE GRIT. It is a perfectly respectable remake and a fine movie in its own right. Some things are better than the original (notably Matt Damon in the Glenn Campbell role); some things not as good; a lot pretty much the same. But, as it's been over forty years, there is no reason not to return to this material and the Coens Bros. and their cast do a worthwile piece of work.
I will be having a visitor around 1pm.Applesauce is a great way to take my pills. They have a bad taste especially if they don't go down on the first swallow. They leave a bad taste on the tongue. This morning with my applesauce I just pushed one in the middle of a spoonful and swallowed and didn't even know it was there.
DR Ben - Love the Snuggie. -And nice flowers too.Enjoy your time at home today.
Quote from: Jane on December 19, 2010, 09:45:45 AMQuote from: Jennifer on December 19, 2010, 06:21:43 AMDR Jane if nobody else wants a tree but you couldn't you just decorate a smaller tree?I have a mini table top tree but can't find the mini decorations for it. I might have dumped the old tree with the worn decorations. I have more decorations to scatter around the house today, including beautifully wrapped empty gift boxes I have saved over the years.You can always go old fashioned and string popcorn and cranberries on a thread and use it as garlands on the tree
I still don't have much ambition. Did get the kitchen cleaned and need to do laundry. I aslo need to do some work I brought home. I think there is a real chance I can be caught up before Christmas. It was my goal for the month and Edith is on board. we're getting along fine now. I think she was just worried about something. She doesn't talk about her life the way I do. So, sometimes I just have to walk away and wait like I did this time and things will get better. They did.
Quote from: Cillaliz on December 19, 2010, 11:11:45 AMQuote from: Jane on December 19, 2010, 09:45:45 AMQuote from: Jennifer on December 19, 2010, 06:21:43 AMDR Jane if nobody else wants a tree but you couldn't you just decorate a smaller tree?I have a mini table top tree but can't find the mini decorations for it. I might have dumped the old tree with the worn decorations. I have more decorations to scatter around the house today, including beautifully wrapped empty gift boxes I have saved over the years.You can always go old fashioned and string popcorn and cranberries on a thread and use it as garlands on the treeI used to string popcorn every year until a friend mentioned she kept hers in the freezer to be reused. It was a pain to string back then, no way is my shoulder doing it today.
Jane a few days ago you asked if I was serioulsly thinking about an intern. Yes, I am. There are no paralegal interns or law school interns this time of year, not usually until summer.
Quote from: Jane on December 19, 2010, 11:23:27 AMQuote from: Cillaliz on December 19, 2010, 11:11:45 AMQuote from: Jane on December 19, 2010, 09:45:45 AMQuote from: Jennifer on December 19, 2010, 06:21:43 AMDR Jane if nobody else wants a tree but you couldn't you just decorate a smaller tree?I have a mini table top tree but can't find the mini decorations for it. I might have dumped the old tree with the worn decorations. I have more decorations to scatter around the house today, including beautifully wrapped empty gift boxes I have saved over the years.You can always go old fashioned and string popcorn and cranberries on a thread and use it as garlands on the treeI used to string popcorn every year until a friend mentioned she kept hers in the freezer to be reused. It was a pain to string back then, no way is my shoulder doing it today.You could make a paper chain like we used to do as little kids
Or just put ribbon around in a nice design