Good Eveni..
Good Morning!!
-I missed yesterday evening due to various reasons - which, if I may, I shall recount for you now...
I got back into Richmond around 7:45 - made great time back from DC even after having to deal with a major backup caused by a semi-major accident - however, it looked liked everyone was all right when I passed by the scene.
I had called my friend, Mark, to see if he wanted to grab dinner and/or a drink once I got back into town. Well, he called me back to tell me that he was already having a few cocktails at a bar.. and that the bar had some special "entertainers" there tonight... So... After a beer, and some not so special entertainment, I headed back out to get some dinner.
Dinner: Fried Chicken Livers and Fried Rice!! Love 'em. -I know, I know, some of you are going, "eeewwwwwww" right now... Ah, well...
-And after eating my dinner, I did pop into chat for a few precious minutes...
And then I tended to the leak in the kitchen. The water situation is not bad, but I have a feeling the wall and ceiling situation could be very bad. This is the second type of leak like this in the past three years. They were working on the A/C unit for the upstairs unit, and, apparently - again(!) - they did not adjust the condensation collector properly... So, the run off is running down to our kitchen. There are some "stalactites" in the ceiling drip, drip, dripping away... and the walls around the stove(!!!) are all wavy from having water behind the latex paint. We'll see what the contractor says in the morning... actually, in a few hours...
Well, since it was the end of my work week, I still felt like going out... So, after another phone call to and from Mark, we went over to another bar. And at this bar, Sunday night is karaoke night - or "scare-aoke" as the locals call it. Unfortunately, it was truly scary tonight. I almost wanted to get up and sing just to hear a few in tune notes tonight, but I didn't have that many beers

- even though Mark kept pushing the song listing binder in front of me. -Maybe next time.. yeah, right...
So, I got back to the apartment around 12:30AM... Why, oh why did I stay that long? I kept hoping to hear one good singer, but... ah, well... It got me out of the house for a while, and it was nice to be social.
For the past few hours, I've been chatting with friends, going through my mail, watching some things via On Demand (caught up on "Queer As Folk" - very interesting developments the past two episodes), et.c, etc, etc...
And now...
-If you can't tell, I'm surprisingly wired right now -

Maybe it's time for a good ole-fashioned all-nighter - I haven't done one in a few months.
DR Danise - Have a great time in the Big Apple! I wish I could be there tomorrow too to meet you and dine with you. -And who was at Joe's Pub tonight?
*Oh, but I did find out tonight that it looks like I'll be going to the Tonys!!! -Keep your proverbial fingers and toes crossed for me.
DR SWW - I really like Kitchen Collection stores. -And, yes, their customer service could use some improvement, but I think that's just the nature of the retail business no matter what the stores sell. *I just wish they would carry the cheaper - and better - ice cream/cookie dough/etc. scoops - the generic ones you can find at a restaurant supply stores. I can't always get to a restaurant supply store when I'm in need - and I've actually been in need of a scoop one or two more times than I'd like to admit to - but $12.00-20.00 is a bit high for a small scooper. -And most of the time, they're only labeled "small, medium or large", rather than by the ounce size or the serving size (which is based on how many portions you can get out of a gallon, quart??? I forget). But you can't beat the deals you can get on Pyrex there!

Topics of the Day:
Weill Songs:
"September Song" - I remember playing this one over and over again from an issue of Sheet Music Magazine!
"My Ship"
"The Saga of Jenny" - Especially Dawn Upshaw's rendition
Rain Songs:
Well, The "Rain Song" from
110 in the Shade"Soon It's Gonna Rain" - Mainly because there's an actor I've played this for countless times at various auditions... he has a great bit he does... and I actually get to be a part of it!
"Here's That Rainy Day" - Wasn't/isn't this Johnny Carson's favorite song?
"Stranger To The Rain" - Well, I am playing
Children of Eden right now, so...
"Rainy Days and Mondays" - Gotta love The Carpenters
Anything from the
Umbrellas of Cherbourg ;-)
"Raindrops Keep Falling On My Head" - This song was played a lot when I was growing up - either on the record player, or me picking it out from the Reader's Digest Songbook.
"MacArthur Park" - Yes, that's a s-t-r-e-t-c-h....
"Rain" from
Once On This IslandI'll probably have a few more later today in both categories...
In the meantime, I think I'm gonna go lay down in my bed and see if I fall asleep... Hmmm...