As for the Topic of the Day...
I lurked for a while, and then on September 9, 2002, I posted the following post on the original "brown board". It turned out to be a "Roll Call" day, so...
Well, this will be my first time posting here, so I guess I officially become a lurker now - an upgrade(?) from just a reader. ;-)
My name is Jose C. Simbulan. I am fortunate enough to make my living as a professional musician - pianist/keyboard player/musical director/conductor. I most recently had the honor of playing rehearsals for the Kennedy Center's Sondheim Celebration productions of SWEENEY TODD and A LITTLE NIGHT MUSIC. Upcoming projects include EVITA for a local university, CARMEN JONES at the Kennedy Center, and SOUTH PACIFIC at Arena Stage
I work locally (D.C. and Richmond) and regionally - pick a region, any region. One of my specialties is playing auditions - I LOVE to play auditions. Each Spring and Fall I get to indulge that pleasure by playing for the Southeastern Theatre Conference (SETC) auditions, and the Unified Professional Theatre Auditions (UPTA). There's nothing like playing for 200-300 in one day! -Really, I do like to do this. *I'll be in Charlotte this weekend for the Fall SETCs.
For all you singers out there: Train your pianists!
For all you pianists our there: Train your singers!
I must take this chance to thank BK for all his work on those UNSUNG MUSICALS and LOST IN BOSTON albums. Wonderful material, and they've provided many an opportunity for me to work on my transcription skills as singers have requested material from those albums for auditions, cabarets, etc. *I was always hoping some publishing deal could be worked out in conjunction with those albums... ah, well...
It has been a joy reading everyone's posts - not just today, but for the past couple of months - ever since I first decided to head on over to this site. Hopefully, I'll find myself fully in the loop in no time!
Keep up the great work!
*Oh, and how does one go about bolding and italicizing within the posts?"