I just got a mother lode of old movie-play programs, including several duplicates. These are for sale for a reasonable offer (these are large format souvenir programs, not Playbills and the like):
Camelot (film)
The Godfather II
Barefoot in the Park (Bway, but with Tony Roberts and Penny Fuller)
June Havoc in Affairs of State
For Your Eyes Only
Frenchman's Creek
The Hiding Place
Claudette Colbert in A Community of Two
A Tale of Two Cities (it's the Bogarde version, JR!!)
Apocalypse Now
Funny Lady x 2
A few really rare ones that will take serious offers:
Design for Living
The Garden of Allah
The Wanderer
Also, daybills for A Free Soul (Norma Shearer and Clark Gable), John Barrymore in "his first talking picture" General Crack (hmmm....) and two early Vitaphones, The Terror and Cohan's The Home Towners (these both on heavy ribbed stock).
And, yes, I got all of these because I wanted one Frances Farmer item.