Good morning, all! I am up and moving about, I've ttaken care of my online banking, caught up on the posts and had my first cup of coffee. I have very little to report beyond that at the moment.
This morning, I am meeting my colleague Curtis at Toyland. We're cleaning out the storage area, pitching a lot of empty cartons we've accumulated over ten years, and getting the place organized for our May 17 summit conference with the powers shutting us down. Since Toyland is now rubble, I have no idea what the Institute will pack up and ship to California, Cambridge, Library of Congress, or the nearest dump.
I'm hoping that he and I can purchase the office equipment, furniture, printers (all on their last legs), binder, for our new office (keep them office vibes coming!) since I can't imagine the Institute would want to haul it off and store it somewhere. We do want the place looking good for the summit meeting.
If the rain stops and the weather dries up, after locking down Toyland, I may cart the masters of the full scorefor DEAREST ENEMY over to Rodgers & Hammerstein, which is a block away from Toyland.
More coffee!