Why I Love Zach Department: we had been experiencing this weird puddle of water under our refrigerator and I knew it had something to do with the auto defrost but couldn't figure it out (nor could two repairmen). Well the other day I heard the trickle of water from the defrost, got a flashlight and discovered due to the engineering prowess of Whirlpool Corporation, the little tray they have in there to catch the effluent doesn't go far back enough to be totally under the tube that discharges the water.
So today I rigged up a bent piece of cardboard, stuck it in a Ziploc bag and had Zach shove it in the tray, dangling over the back lip so that any water will fall on it then drain into the tray. I thought it was quite a brilliant lo-fi solution. Zach looked at me and said, "You know this is our most ghetto repair yet."