Oh, how I loved this Gentlemen Prefer Blondes, mouth agape gasp-inducing enchantment alternating with did-they-say-that-so-many-decades-ago satire. And not only because of the whole gestalt of Megan-as-Marilyn being a right-now spring 2012 happening, a coming-together of synergistic entertainment factors where the pieces of the puzzle fit so spectacularly together. And yet more than some of the others, I wonder if this one will need to be built up scenically if they opt to move it, and would there be life for a move after Megan Hilty's stint in it?
As to Megan Hilty herself, she's had such a total triumph in the role as far as the main review buzz (and therefore historical significance) is concerned, will her agent advise her to take her triumph and keep it seen by the 15,000 or so people who saw it and let it go to legend?
Hard to believe for us in NYC, but theatre fans all around the country are talking about this Encores success - because of the SMASH TV show, of course!