Good mornng, all! My last dream before my alarm sounded had an all-star cast and something to do with the review HELLZAPOPPIN but it's all to vague now. It's kind of like my day; I think I'm going to City Center to see Joshie and order paper for the DEAREST ENEMY orchestra parts, but nothing is confirmed yet. If this falls apart, I'll spend the afternoonat the Lincoln Center NYPL, learning what I can about the 1917 production of EILEEN, qhixh is giving me pressure about completing itsnotes before June 25.
On the famous office front, all hell again breaks loose, thanks ro what I consider the adverse side of the Man from Philadelpha. I think it's locked in, then he starts fretting and frittering and nothing seems certain. Luckily, this destructive personality only reveals itself at peculiar and infrequent moments. but I fear he's going to kibosh the office situation completely if he keeps this madness going. Until that leases is signed, which should have happened two weeks ago, life is hell. Keep them office vibes coming!
I have very little more to report: I'm overworked and I need an intern or an office; I survived the weekend, which was constructive and I accomplished much; ROBERTA is on course, if not where I'd like it to be because of the DEAREST ENEMY and EILEEN work; the DEAREST ENEMY prnting situation continues to be frustrating, primarily because we have no work space, no printing equipment, and I'm relying on the kindness of friends. Color me discontent or frustrated.
Yet, I get out of bed and continue to chip away at the obstacles.