Good morning, all! I slept well, although there were many bizarre dreams, the last involving a party in Albany which I attended with brother Randy and goddaughter Charlotte, a deadline to get back to NYC which we missed, a planned trip to the beach, and a book order for Charlotte.
Today, i've got another trip to Toyland to use the scanner. Tomorrow is the Big Summit Meeting with the Institute before Toyland is leveled; I have no idea if anything will remain standing, including myself, and since our interrogrator is staying over, I have no idea if on Friday vans are showing up to move things out of the office or what will occur. I have an appointment for my yearly physical so I can't be there until 1 pm or so. I'm half expecting to show up and find an empty space.
Beyond that, I've got few plans for today. If I get to and from Toyland early enough, I can get to the NYPL Theatre Collection by noon and maybe accomplish some work on EILEEN. I also need to call Joshie and ascertain that my order of paper got to him for the DEAREST ENEMY orchestra parts. There's still no word on the office situation and that has me concerned.
BK, tell Vinny hello for me!