The more I think about this "Lucky Stiff" film, the more I'm saddened. Then I was reminded about the up and coming "Into the Woods" film and I'm even more saddened. Both are such a lousy idea for the exact reasons bk (and others) have mentioned. Now, a "Seussical - The Musical" ANIMATED Film would kick some major behind, as Dr Seuss is still taught in schools. Who CARES about "Lucky Stiff" (besides us that know it well and have produced a recording or md'd a production) just like no one CARES about "Forever Plaid". Heck, that movie isn't even a good resource when producing the show!
To contradict everything I've said here, I am waiting patiently for the "Sunset Blvd" musical film. Which seems to be always in discussion. With the following the piece has, (like Phantom or Love Never Dies) it will at least be seen. It may stink, but people will go see it. A whole lot more people than that that will see "Lucky Stiff".
and.... scene.