It is either feast or famine with my eBook library. Just because I want to read a paperback on the flight to Chicago I currently have 1,076 pages of library books to read and I'm expecting another book to be available before we leave. I hope I'm wrong. This doesn't include "Issac's Storm" by Eric Larsen I got bored with after 38 pages. I figured I would return to it after I finished another book first. As the books accumulate I suspect it will be due before I can finish it.
I would think that ebooks would be perfect for the plane. Why carry real books?
Can you put your place on hold for ebooks (like you can for regular books)? Also is there such a long wait? Couldn't you just put yourself at the end of the line?
I have a few paperbacks to be read and figure it is easier to read them on a plane than at home at night with a flashlight. Plus there are my preferred reading when I fly to distract me from the motion. I'll take one anyway in case I use up my Nook battery or it crashes.
I can't put on hold on my eBook holds like I can with the regular library books. For our last trip I did put myself to the back of the line on a few books, thing is the next book up is Lisa Gardner's "The Survivors Club" which I do consider a good flying book. If it comes in before I leave I'll check it out. It has a short wait list so I can easily start over, or have Craig download it to my computer if it is available while I'm gone.
Some books takes months to become available & I find it very frustrating not to have the ability to put a temporary wait on them if I'm traveling.