Page three??? Perhaps if I mention the title that I may be able to give the Kritzerland remix treatment to that will get some posting going? I do know Jane is not with us, but still...
So, while this is not 100% yet (the licensing has been cleared and they have the original eight-track session tapes - we're just trying to figure out how to get them to me - whether they do the work in making a Pro Tools session or whether we do) - the big question will be HOW this was recorded and how much separation there is between band and vocalists, but I think we're going to at least try it - it's generally considered to be one of the most frustrating cast albums ever released, not only because of the many cuts to the score (which we can do nothing about) but because the mix was done hastily and has always sounded weird and pretty bad. The frustrating part is the cast, which will never be bettered and therefore this is still the definitive cast album for this title even with its flaws. That said - if I can remix and smooth it out and make it at least sound much better, then it's worth doing, don't you think?
Can anyone guess the title?