Well, this is an interesting article about Moss Hart's unpublished diary...not his memoir, "Act One," but a diary that he wrote about the same time that he was writing "Act One." He evidently didn't hold back on his real opinions of people. 
He’d Rather Be Right by Meryl Gordon.

Moss Hart, the playwright and director, smokes a pipe in 1946.
DR George, thanks for posting this! ACT ONE is one of my favorite books, factual or fictional. When I was working on JUBILEE, I reread it and still loved it. but I also learned a lot Moss never discussed. Whenever someone heard I was working on JUBILEE, they had stories about Moss, Cole Porter. Kitty, the original cast. Paula Laurence always thought Moss was going to marry her, and she went with John McGlinn to see Kitty in ON YOUR TOES when she replaced Dina Merrill on vacation. John said her first words when she took her seat were "Hello, Kitty! I'm here for your job."
According to press agent Philip Bloom, who died at age 84 in 1989 and represented everyone from Merman to Stritch, Beatrice Kaufman decided Paula was too trashy to marry Moss and she set up the Carlisle-Hart marriage. Oy!