Good morning, all! I slept late. Again. Dreams of Ireland.
My apartment looks quite good today, I am very happy to report. Unfortunately, I can't do a great deal with some of the clutter until we resolve the office situation. My apartment is a tidy assortment of shopping bags and storage cartons filled with the personal property I'd accumulated for the old office nowwaiting to move into the new one. Still, t's the cleanest it's been in some time, and I a'm regaining a sense of space rather than the feeling that, if I turn around, my butt will knock something over.
I expect a visitor at one o'clock, and we will listen to EILEEN. Until then, I've got reading and writing - no 'rithmetic - ro occupy my time. I also need a trip to the market. I think the milk in my fridge has turned sour before it's expiration date and I am not amused. I need coffee.