Good morning, all! I slept really poorly last night; I guess it's the frustration with the leak, the check, schedule, the workload, same old news, but I could not settle. So, I ignored the alarm and slept in an extra hour. The final fragment of my last dream was in Carnegie Hall, I was sitting next to Robert Kimball, and I had a portable desk, and the aisles between the rows of seats were 2-3 feet wide; then I seemed to be getting prepped for surgery nd I woke up.
I'm still aimless today. I have no idea if I will hear from the plumber, so I'll work here. I have more work on my liner notes, so that's good. I'll call Joshie and hear how last night's Obama broadway event went, and I'll fret.
BK, I'm happy the tire situation went so smoothly. The rotalty check means one of two things: the book is selling really well or the lovely southern millionaires who mistreated you and the label that shall remain nameless are buying up all copies!