Got the response - predictable and all about the respondee rather than what it should be about, which is how someone ELSE is being made to feel - whether that's real or not is not the issue - it's been explained clearly and that's all one can do. So, I'm afraid I'll be getting off the Melodyland merry-go-round, probably for good. It's not really to do with her - it's her folks and doing a 180 on what has been a very close friendship - all they ever had to do during any of this was say "Hey, the next month is really busy, but let's make a plan right after that." But that's not what I was hearing and they way they were doing what they were doing was crazy-making and I tried gently to tell them that. It's a shame - I've done nothing but try to keep their daughter in the spotlight, make an incredible act for her, give her a CD, and give her incredible material month after month. I cannot see where anyone else has done anything like that for her - in fact, she's had one professional job in the entire year and a half I've been working for her, outside of what we've done. Oh, well - sad, but there you are.