I live on the West Coast. What is the schedule for Tony Night?The June 10 Tony telecast will be recorded for prime-time broadcast on the West Coast at 8:00 p.m. PT on CBS. However, for the benefit of those fans across the globe who do not have access to the broadcast, our website coverage of the Tony Awards is live. We will post the winners' names as they are announced, beginning at 8:00 p.m. ET/5:00 p.m. PT. So if you prefer to remain in suspense until you watch the telecast, we suggest that you log on for our live Tony red carpet and pre-show coverage beginning at 6:00 p.m. ET/3:00 p.m. PT. Then close your browser and come back after the telecast is over, at which point you can watch video clips of backstage interviews with the winners and presenters.
Sunday morning greetings! No trip to Lima for me today, because I spent most of the night feeling slightly nauseous. Don't know if I ate something "off" or what, but it's a little better now.
Hot today in the DC area--around 90, but only in the low 80's during the week.
Tony Awards FAQI'm really getting the hang of this
When it comes to deviled eggs, there's no stopping me. Egg sliders, man.
Okay, I've watched the How to Host a Tony Party video three times. I think I've about got it.Bring it on!
My fridge/freezer is due to be repaired tomorrow - at last!
Will we have to keep the winners' names a secret during the East Coast showing?