I started watching the Tony show at 8 p.m. (tape-delayed, of course). Loved the opening number. And then there was the number from "Newsies" and I was nearly apoplectic before it (mercifully)(finally) ended. What a lengthy, tedious and boring number. And it won the Tony for choreography? Oh my freaking goodness!
I was a bit put out that Mr. Tiffany's acceptance speech went on and on and on and on and on and on..I mean, I switched channels and surfed a bit hoping it would be over before I got back...and it wasn't over. He seemed to talk for several minutes. And then poor Mike Nichols got about 95 seconds before the orchestra began playing him off.
Happily, "True Blood's" fifth season started at 9 a.m. and I was able to spend the rest of my evening angst-free. Still, I did record the show and will fast-forward to places you guys have said good things about (and a few bad things about, too).