I came to this site by way of six degrees of Jerry Herman. My dear friend Sharry and I had just finished (I think) our run of HELLO DOLLY!; and since she was not computer savvy, she asked if I could try to find an address or P.O. Box for Jerry Herman by way of the computer search. Well Jerry Herman took me to HELLO DOLLY!, which took me to Carol Channing, which took me to recordings which took me to producer Bruce Kimmel, which took me to Guy Hianes and this site.
I lurked at the site for about a week. I was amazed at this little group of witty, knowledgeable, and entertainment-oriented souls. One day I got up the courage to comment on something, and they were all so wlecoming that I stayed.
My profle says I joined October 21, 2003, and since DR Jrand's profile says October 22, 2003; I believe this must be the date of the new board, and not the day we joined. I thought I had found this site in 2002, but what do I know?