Good morning, all! I am moving, but I am very tired. I feel like something out of a George Romero film and I suspect I will be in bed quite early tonight.
Last night, i attended the East Coast Singer's show at the Metropolitan Room in the most excellent company of BK, DR ChasSmith, Julie, Milla, and the ever lovely Crista Moore, whom I hadn't seen in several years. She sings "The Second Star To The Right" on BK's Peter Pan recording, which is one of my personal favorite orchestrations and one of my favorite tracks. The show was quite a lot of fun, and there were some wonderful moments and a few lovely songs I had never before heard. After the show, DR ChasSmith generously offered me a ride uptown and I turned him down because I wanted to stop at the Dunkin' Donuts on 23rd and pick up something for breakfast. Silly me. When I got to Dunkin' Donuts, it was closed.
So, I got to the subway and found Milla, who'd been waiting for a bit on a train and we rode uptown together. I got home a bit before midnight. and got caught up in a screaming fight on THE REAL HOUSEWIVES OF NEW JERSEY, my favorite comedy series, and turned out the lights far too late. Still, it was one helluva good weekend with productive work and spendng time with BK & Co.
Today, I've got to schlep some things down to Toyland before I can head to a post office and send a new full score to Dublin. Then, I'll head back here to figure out what needs to be accomplishedwith these liner notes.
I wish, during the heyday of the Russian Tea Room, that i'd had the funds to have dinner there. I could never afford it.