Morning all! I tried to post last night but my internet connection kept either slowing down or just wouldn't let me.
I'm thrilled that DR TCB doesn't owe that big amount of money. Six hundred is hard to come by too but the other would be impossible!
Went to the doctor yesterday. I have a 9mm stone--this time on the right side. I did everything I was told. I took the pills the doctor said would stop them from forming. I drank lemonade for lunch and dinner and STILL i formed a big honking stone. I haven't drank any dark colored liquids either. I don't know how to stop them.
I guess it's another day surgery for me but this time I can't bother Thelma. She is helping the guy across her street who is dying of brain cancer. I can't have her go with me so I will have to stay in the hospital overnight if they want to keep an eye on me afterwards.
I also wanted to agree that those who still have their parents or at least a parent still with them to cherish them while you can. No matter what your age, it hurts to become an orphan.
On an up note I was able to get hold of the news reporter that covered my house and she is going to help our bus ridership by filming a story about us and how it would hurt us if they take our bus.

The will happen the week of July 9th. I told her I didn't have to be filmed but she said she wants to meet with me too. Guess I'm starting to be a regular on the local and national networks. I wonder if I could get my own show?