At last night's rehearsal - of Act Two - which we did twice.....we did okay.....and the second time through both scenes were better.
As I gave one note - one actor decided to talk about how he agreed with me and that is was the right thing to do....I let him finish, and then went on without comment. I think he was the only person in the room who didn't know I was annoyed....he also gives notes and direction to the other actors no matter how many times I tell him to stop....
There is another actor playing the same role here that he had played before - and I give him DIFFERENT things to do, and especially different ways to say things.....he does what I say for one rehearsal and then it's back to the old way - which is NOT GOOD. I gave him some actions to do during one long speech - and he did them half assed for two rehearsals, so last night I said: "Just forget it. You can't get your actions to match your words, which they SHOULD."
As another oblivious person, he thought he was being praised, and said: "Thank you. I didn't like it either."
It wasn't working because you WEREN'T doing it correctly, dummy. This last sentence of course was understood rather than spoken aloud.