Well, I now know why JMK disappeared yesterday. Apparently he got offended by an e-mail I wrote, even though there was nothing in it meant offensively. Oh, well. e-mail "tone" is so difficult sometimes. I'd asked him for help in terms of doing a Portland signing, which he said he'd be glad to do. Hadn't heard anything in a month so I sent an e-mail asking if there was any news. His reply was that the two stores he'd contacted either weren't interested or hadn't gotten back to him. It was a tersely worded e-mail that I found a bit unfriendly, but again, e-mail tone is sometimes easy to misread. I replied that it would have been nice to know this information a few weeks ago - meaning I might have been able to do come up with a different plan. That e-mail response seems to have upset him, although I certainly meant nothing by it. He wrote back that he'd only heard the final "no" the day before. And that was it until I got a rather scathing e-mail from his wife. I've responded to that in what is hopefully an even-keeled manner, and I'm hopeful it will all blow over and that he'll be back. Color me baffled sometimes, really.