Good morning, all.
Even though it's way too early on a Saturday morning to be saying good morning or anything else.
I'd turned the (central) a/c off at midnight because the house was plenty cool; in fact, almost too cold. That should have been fine till maybe mid-morning, but I woke up at 6 a.m., and though the temperature itself was still fine, the air was just too stale, or too still. Except I had a fan blowing. But it "needed something". Turned the a/c back on, and all was right again, but here I am with a few hours less sleep than needed. I do not look forward to the next electric bill. Fortunately, it's a day with no particular obligation to do any particular thing, and I'll get a nap later.
So here I sit, drinking coffee and looking forward to "Follies" at 7:30 in the a.m.