Here's what we have to deal with sometimes: A guy in Sylmar CA orders a copy of The Good Old Bad Old Days on June 20. We ship it to the address provided. Today he opens a paypal claim stating we sent it to his OLD address and how dare we since paypal has had his NEW address on file forever. I respond and ask him why he felt it necessary to open a claim rather than e-mail us. I ask him how he KNOWS the package was sent to his old address. I tell him maybe we've got his old address in the computer and the helper inadvertently sent it there - pilot error and all that. I ask him to close the dispute and e-mail me and tell him we'll get it to the right address.
I then actually look at his invoice. Guess what? WRONG ADDRESS. Oops. I write him back telling him he owes us an apology and that the shipment to the wrong address is HIS problem not ours. Again, I ask him to close the dispute and e-mail me to work it out. Of course, those who are quick to open disputes are slow as molasses to respond, so I called paypal and am escalating it to a claim - that way as soon as the helper gets me our tracking info I can confirm delivery to the address on the invoice and they will immediately put the money back into our account. Then, when Mr. Stupid e-mails us he can explain how he knew we'd sent it to the wrong address, and also tell us that IF he knew why he hasn't gone to collect the CD, since it's about ten minutes from his NEW address. One way or the other, we'll at least have our money back.