Next, I came home and sat down at my computer and decided to try and solve an issue I have with Dear Edwina Jr. One of the numbers "Fork, Knife, Spoon" is in dire need of vocal support. It's a hard number (google it and you'll see) especially for the kids. So, we were going to record some vocals to support the kids, but the more I thought about, the more it sounding like a LOT of work. SO... Audacity to the rescue.
There is a way to invert a song in Audacity that will eliminate (not entirely, but enough) the lead vocal. Well, what does that leave? The BACK UP vocals. So, MTI sends 2 CD's with the Jr shows. One with vocals and one without for performance. SOOO.... I inverted the track with the vocals and found out that yes, the back up vocals stayed intact. So I lined up the two tracks, silenced what I didn't need from the vocal track, and BINGO, vocal support for the kids.