Good morning, all! I am a bit groggy but hopefully all the the anesthesia is passing out of my system and I will be full of energy for today's Big Move.
BK, I got your message this morning. I had turned off the phone, as well as my cell phone, before I turned off the lights, went to bed, and slept soundly until 5 am when I awoke after dreaming I was singing "Economics" from Kurt Weill'snd Alan Jay Lerner's LOVE LIFE. Then, I drifted in and out of consciousness until 6 when the alarm went off.
DR Ben, thanks for the weather warning. I checked it yesteday , when I was thinking about getting these cartons moved to the lobby, and I know it's going to be another scorcher. I plan to d it in increments, beginning about noon. I'll move them out into the hallway first thing. It shouldtake me about four orfive elevator trips to get them to the lobby.