Well......I looked one more place.....and yes, there it was my FOLLIES OBC LP. Capitol Stereo SO-761. Looks hardly played.
I got it when a man in my town who ran a mail order record establishment skipped out on his bills never to be heard/seen again. The landlords opened up the building and to begin with sold all LP's for $1.
I went twice. The second time they were selling a grocery bag of LP's for $10. The last two times I went, they were selling 100 LP's for $10. And that is how I came into possession of FOLLIES.
The original paper sleeve is missing, but today, almost 20 years after I bought it, as I pulled it out of the cover, I noticed something else stuck inside....
An August, 1971, Playbill from the Wintergarden Theatre for....FOLLIES!
I shall now listen to the "before" sounds.