After the Mozart, we moseyed on down to the Time-Warner Center to get a post-concert bite to eat at Landmarc: Salmon Tartare, Chicken Burger, sides of Mashed Chickpeas with Escarole and Sautéed Mushrooms, and Vanilla, Chocolate and Coconut Ice Creams to finish. All quite yummy.
Oh... And the bartender, Greg, mixed up something vodka-y and citrusy and minty for my friend, Michael, and a Michter's Manhattan for me.*
*When I was at Landmarc earlier in the week for a late lunch, Chef Marc Murphy (who you may know from "Chopped") was there. He came by and said Hi - we met a few years ago at a charity event, and we seem to run into each other regularly at his restaurants. Well, when Chef left, Greg asked me if I was a regular, and I filled him in our history, so to speak... And when the check came, my beer and dessert had been comped... And our cocktails ended up being comped last night too.