Someone just posted this - so nice I had to share:
Dearest Bruce, I am sitting here in amazement, with tears in my eyes, listening to the show that changed my theatergoing life, the show I traveled to Boston to see in tryout, the show I saw on opening night in New York, the show I had to beg the box office to sell me standing room when the show was not (and never was) sold out, the show I dragged everyone I knew to see and almost none of them got it, the show I wrote to Hal Prince for a standing room ticket for the closing night, the show whose final performance was one of the most exciting events in my then-young life (when they announced that Kurt Peterson would be playing Young Ben at that performance, a roar went up in the theatre, and I knew I was in for the ride of my life, and it was).
After so many near-miss and not-quite-right attempts to get this show right, along comes Bruce to recreate the magic, as intact as it can possibly be, and sounding the way that it never did on recording. Thank you, Bruce, from the bottom of my heart and for all of FOLLIES fanatics out there, for this miracle.