Morning all.
I am also sorry I missed Dear Vixmom and wasn't able to wish her good travel vibes. I was so tired last night that I went to bed around seven. I do not know why I can't shake this "don't feel good feeling" and thought the extra sleep would help. I woke around ten thirty last evening, took care of some things, and went back to bed and fell asleep right away.
I feel rested but just not quite up to snuff today. I plan on relaxing and doing nothing more than watching some tv and posting on and off all day today. I did have to take Sheena up to get her leg rewrapped. That didn't take long.
Poor girl. She really doesn't like having her leg wrapped at all and the vet was amazed she was able to get the splint off.
In other news, we had some sky writers this morning. U and God =

was one message. I had to take Sheena to the vet so the other message or messages were gone by the time I got back.
I don't know why that was done but it was fun to watch as they were writing it.
And since I still have time to do itL
Mega travel vibes to our Dear Elmore! I am pea green with envy and wish I could go with you. Dublin is one of the places I've always wanted to go to. Please take many, many, many photos if possible!