re: yesterday's soft drink discussion.
I don't drink much soda anymore. But my favorites are diet root beer and diet cream soda. I don't love non-diet. Although sometimes at Costco (a few times a year) I will have their regular root beer (since they don't have any diet drinks i like). I have never heard of Coke being interchangeable for any cola. And agree with DR Jane if you ask for Coke and they have Pepsi they will let you know.
Coke: this generic term for soft drinks predominates throughout the South, New Mexico, central Indiana and in a few other single counties in Nevada, Utah and Wyoming. ‘Coke’ obviously derives from Coca-Cola, the brand-name of the soft drink originally manufactured in Atlanta (which explains its use as a generic term for all soft drinks in the South).The South See also: Southern American English
alligator pear - avocado[2]
banquette (southern Louisiana) - sidewalk, foot-path[2]
billfold (widespread, but infrequent Northeast, Pacific Northwest) - a man's wallet[2]
cap (also Midlands) - sir (prob. from "captain")[2]
chill bumps (also Midlands) - goose bumps[2]
chunk - toss or throw an object[3]
coke - any brand of soft drink[9]