Last night this idiot lawyer on our imm. law listserv posted something I thought was inappropriate for the list serv, so I said so. He started sending me emails about how I'm the only one complaining and no one supports me blah blah blah. So I posted one of those to the list and asked if I was the only one. I posted the tamest email. Anyway, he went ballistic and sent me about 8 emails. I held my tongue, explained in very civil terms my position and left it at that.
Today someone who I really respect for his knowledge and ability, came to my defense and did it in a way that focused on my expertise. They idiot then came back with "see they are picking on me and I didn't pick on anyone publicly" Sheesh! I can't believe some people. I privately thanked the person who came to my defense and i'm letting it go. The stupid part of this is that i refer people to lawyers in his town everyday. I won't be referring them to him now