Good morning, all! Yesterday, we began the first session with Annalene and Jim, our romantic couple. We started with their waltz, "Here's A Kiss," and then went back to "Here In My Arms" for a couple of more takes. We gave them a break and moved on to the Exit Music, then recorded therm in "Bye and Bye." We did a runthrough of the Overture, and broke for dinner. The second session, which began at 6:30, finished the Overture, we moved on to the Bows, and finished up with the Intermezzo between Act Two and the Epilogue. We finished about 9pm, struck, and joined the cast at the Whitefriar Grill for dinner. I had a wonderful cheese souffle and too much wine. We closed the restaurant and then we - our producers Joe and Jonathan, conductor David, Kim, Hal, Jim, Joe, and I - went back to the Hibernian Club bar and the party went on until 2am. Annalene was smart and left the restaurant around 10:30 since she and the beautiful baby Harry were off to London at 8:45 this morning.
So, I got to bed around 3am, and I woke around 8:15, so I could say goodbye to the. I then had breakfast with Kim, Hal, and Jim, and said goodbye to them at 10am. Now, I will pack and take a nap. After that, I have a meeting at 5pm with Joe, Jonathan and David - a postmortem - and then dinner with Joe and Jonathan and their ladies.
I think we've made a lovely recording and I cannot wait to hear the first edit.