This is actually kind of hilarious, because people seem to think they're the only smart people. it's like that scene in GUIDE FOR THE MARRIED MAN where the guy is found in bed with his girlfriend and he just denies it with the lady right there in bed with him and his wife sees it right there and he just denies, denies, denies,
Matthew Murray is a fine journalist whose essays I love and have never missed a chance to praise. He reviews for Talkin Broadway, and Ann Miner, and engaged in a public twitter back-and-forth yesterday in favor of Ann Miner
I tweeted and wrote to him as well, trying to correct some misconceptiions. He emailed back this morning:
[emphasis added]Fred,
I have done everything possible to stay out of this, and I do
not appreciate your dragging me into it in this manner, to say nothing
of CCing Mike and Ann on your correspondence with me.
I believe it would be best if you did not contact me again, through
any medium (including, but not limited to, e-mail, Facebook, and
Twitter), for the time being. Perhaps you and I (sans CC recipients)
may reevaluate our relationship at some point in the future, but I am
not comfortable talking with you about this matter, or anything else,
at the present time.
Tweeting out in public where the whole web can see - in response to someone posting on a private listserv - is doing his best to stay out of it. No one else is smart, i guess.