I had been toying with taking a day trip up to Boston tomorrow, and paying a visit to the hospital - now apartment building - that I was born in, but...
Instead, I will do what I've done for a couple of my past birthdays: a Birthday Crawl. I'll walk - maybe bike - the city, and make stops along the way at some of my favorite places - a.k.a. restaurants. And meet up with friends throughout the day at the various points of interest.

Tomorrow's Birthday Crawl will start with breakfast at The City Bakery, probably around 10:00am. And will end at Ditch Plains (UWS - in DR elmore's 'hood) sometime around 8:00pm for drinks and appetizers. There will be some interim stops, but most of them will be TBA - I'll announce them via my Facebook page and Twitter feed. I'm pretty sure a stop at the Big Gay Ice Cream Store will be included, as well at The High Line (if it's not too crowed). So...
If any NYC-area Hainsies and Kimlets would like to join me for a cup of coffee, cookie, a scoop of ice cream, deviled eggs, etc., or just hang out on a bench in Madison Square Park for a bit, I'd love to see you. And I'll be sure to post updates to updates to my itinerary here as I'm able.