I had fun at my cousin, ERicka's wedding. It mixed German, Scandinavian, Brazillian, and Egyptian customs as her husband is Egyptian and Brazilian. It was fun to reconnect with cousins I have not seen in a very long time. It was a beautiful day for an outdoor wedding and reception. The ceremony was lovely and food was excellent complete with wedding pie of your choice. I had strawberry-rhubarb pie, my favorite. The couple provided small gifts for each family attending. They were small wooden boxes with velvet lining with inlaid pieces. It was fun to dance to good music, good conversations, belly dancing, and fireworks. I was DEAD tired when I went to bed at 1230 am...
I do indeed have air conditioning once again. I don't think I have heard it turn off since I got home from church, though, which concerns me.
Had a great time at the hootenanny last night. I improvised on my flute the whole night and sang a couple blues tunes. Really a lot of fun. I even walked home at 1:30 am in a light fog. It was only about 4 blocks and it was really cool to be in the quiet of the night.
Got my wish! The county is CLOSED tomorrow! Hoo and Ray!!!!!! Thank you Isaac!!!!
It was another hot sunny day here today. I tried something different in the pool today. I used flippers. It was much more work on my legsthan i thought. I am wondering if my legs will be tired tomorrow.
I was actually a bit tired and sore today since I was at the pool yesterday for 4.5hours. Was nit swimming. But I was in the deepend for a lomg time. And you cannot touch the bottom so I had to hold myself up for a long time.
Quote from: DakotaCelt on August 26, 2012, 02:53:43 PMI had fun at my cousin, ERicka's wedding. It mixed German, Scandinavian, Brazillian, and Egyptian customs as her husband is Egyptian and Brazilian. It was fun to reconnect with cousins I have not seen in a very long time. It was a beautiful day for an outdoor wedding and reception. The ceremony was lovely and food was excellent complete with wedding pie of your choice. I had strawberry-rhubarb pie, my favorite. The couple provided small gifts for each family attending. They were small wooden boxes with velvet lining with inlaid pieces. It was fun to dance to good music, good conversations, belly dancing, and fireworks. I was DEAD tired when I went to bed at 1230 am... It sounds fun AND interesting. I'm sure I have never had pie at a wedding. Is this a custom from one the these countries or just something the bride & groom wanted to do?
After using the flippers for 1.5hours i could not swim without them. It was crazy how i could not even go far at all.
Quote from: Jane on August 26, 2012, 03:40:04 PMQuote from: DakotaCelt on August 26, 2012, 02:53:43 PMI had fun at my cousin, ERicka's wedding. It mixed German, Scandinavian, Brazillian, and Egyptian customs as her husband is Egyptian and Brazilian. It was fun to reconnect with cousins I have not seen in a very long time. It was a beautiful day for an outdoor wedding and reception. The ceremony was lovely and food was excellent complete with wedding pie of your choice. I had strawberry-rhubarb pie, my favorite. The couple provided small gifts for each family attending. They were small wooden boxes with velvet lining with inlaid pieces. It was fun to dance to good music, good conversations, belly dancing, and fireworks. I was DEAD tired when I went to bed at 1230 am... It sounds fun AND interesting. I'm sure I have never had pie at a wedding. Is this a custom from one the these countries or just something the bride & groom wanted to do?Not really sure... I know Ericka is not a huge fan of cake so it is possible that it is somethingy they wanted.