About last night...
My friend, Brendan, and I went out for some ramen for dinner, and then we headed over to Brandy's. When we walked through the door, we found that it was packed. -Which is actually a good thing and nice to see. However, it seemed to populated with lots of married couples and girls having their night out. I'm fine with the married couples, but the bachelorette parties.. UGH! Oh, and the pianist who I was hoping to hear again was not there since he had another gig, and his sub was good, but left a bit to be desired - he spent a bit too much time looking up songs on his iPad. However, my friend, Lauren, was back on the floor, and the usual bartending staff, Joe and Bobby, made it worth to stay for a little while.
My friend, Yosh, soon joined us, so we stuck it out for a little longer. It was a good night, although, there was one woman who kept telling me that I was crowding her. I had stepped away from the rail to drop my empty beer bottle on the bar, and when I stepped back into
my spot it was clear that I was now stepping back into
her spot. I held my ground for a bit, then eventually shifted up to an empty space by the bar. And she was soon getting crowded in by a group of eight college students who walked in behind her. Karma, baby. Karma.