Archives > Archive 23


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Well, you've read the notes, the notes had I's, and now it is time for you to post until the I cows come home.

And the word of the day is: FUTHARK!

Morning all.

That is all.

Good morning, all.

My goodness, it's nice to be back and to have had a night's sleep without some fershlugginer mishegas (it's still the Jewish New Year, right?) to get up for.  The house feels great, and I am greatly enjoying a fresh pot of decent coffee (the Howe Caverns Motel did not excel in the decent coffee department) and relaxing over the daily notes until the cat boarding place is open and the kids can come home.

Good morning, all! I have two intense days coming up today and tomorrow with meetings with The Man from Philadelphia. This afternoon the meeting is with New World Records and tomorrow morning, the meeting is about next year's budget and money. Two words I do not understand.

Before this afternoon's meeting, I've got a trip to the post office to ship a package to North Carolina and an invoice to Florida. Then I have to put the new duet for the Appalachian show into a different time signature, going from 3/4 to 4/4. I hope there's time to chill out before the meeting.

More coffee.

And a belated wish for a happy Rosh Hashana!


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