Good Day...
Sorry I have been a bit errant... I have been working on some genealogy data a cousin sent me and spent the better part of last week doing projects for my mother that included cleaning the garden, putting away patio furniture, and planters for the winter. The only items left in the garden is squash and carrots. My mother does not want to dig up the carrots until after we have a frost. She she still wants to do some additional outdoor cleaning before winter and the hose box will be hauled down later. I did have fun and watched my nephew play in a high school football game in East Grand Forks. Amazing, he is a senior this year. Where does the time go! The team his school played is highly ranked in the state of Minnesota. Even though they lost by 13 points, they came back from a 30 point deficit in the final quarter of the game.
I did have a piece of fiber art that was installed, taken down, and reinstalled last week. It was part of the Knit Broadway project where people made sleeves for the light posts in downtown Fargo. Sadly, some miscreants marred this project by stealing or vandalizing some of the sleeves. It was sad to see this done to a someone's hard work.
Here is a closeup of the one i did:

My thesis is now up on Proquest in its disquisition database...