I gotta get on this facial hair thing again for both Starbuck and File. File is a meticulous man... appearances are important to him. He's darning his own shirt. He talks contemptuously of the man his wife ran off with as being nearsighted and having weak hands. If File had any facial hair, it would be scrupulously trimmed and maintained. It's part of his anal nature. No beard stubble.
Starbuck would not have facial hair at all. He's a con man. He'd want to appear heroic. Rock-jawed, fresh-faced, and wide open, nothing to hide. More importantly, he wouldn't want anything competing with or distracting from that pearly smile and charm. Nor would he want to convey an image of mistrust or as someone too slick and sophisticated, an image that can often be misconstrued from face hair. Especially a scraggly, patchy mustache and goatee like the one the actor was wearing last night. Weenie, very weenie. Mostly, it looks like a little boy trying to grow face hair and can't. Another image Starbuck doesn't want to convey.
Huh? Say what?
Exactly when is
Rainmaker/110 supposed to take place?
OK, it's not taking place now, in the 2000s.
But it isn't set in the Eisenhower era, either. As I recall, these people are still driving horse-drawn rigs. This puts them in the 1900s, maybe the 1920s. (I could be wrong, I don't have a copy of the film or script at hand.)
During this era, facial hair on men was considered quite respectable. Sure, measly little pencils of moustaches were too "cityfied," and would have been suspicious, but a true moustache, or a full or partial beard, would have been considered manly.
I agree that File would be well-trimmed at all time, and that Starbuck would consider accentuating his masculinity with a neat appearance, but the whole idea that masculinity equals no facial hair would be bunk.
(My long-held suspicion is that Gillette's razors have been a part of the feminization and virtual castration of American men, a suspicion I base on the fact that the bulk of Gillette's stock is held by women. As they say, let the buyer beware!)