I've just written a VERY strong draft an e-mail to the parent of the child whose act I created and directed that resulted in a Broadway World nomination. Those who know me probably can imagine just how strong it is, but I've had it. And if I don't write it it will eat at me and cause negativity, which I will not allow. I need to get this out of my system once and for all so that I can be done with it. They will not like the e-mail, in which I have told them they cannot ever do the act again, or at least do it with any of my contributions - and since most of the arrangements are mine, and I contributed to most of the patter, and she sings two songs of mine - well, there wouldn't be much left to do. As Babs and Donna said: Enough is enough. I will simply not allow this kind of rudeness after all I've done for this girl