RE: MISS SAIGON - I thought the original lyric was "I'd give my life for you." - not "I'll give my life for you" -
As for the show itself, I never really thought it glorified parental suicide. Although not as "noble" as it's operatic and theatrical predecessors, Kim's death is presented as more of a sacrifice, imho. Technically, yes, it's suicide, but... And the song in question is not sung right before her death/suicide.
However, I did find it interesting that the creators wrote at least four "official" endings for the show. Two are on record - and I know I've seen at least one other on stage. I also know the staging was changed a few times. I seem to remember a "shadow play" during the final sequence with Kim, but then it evolved/changed into Kim pulling down the screen and then falling out of the "bed" after she had shot herself. Or something like that.
As for the show itself (again)... I liked it, never really loved it, and I always just had to wonder what all the fuss over the helicopter was. -At least each time I saw the show, the helicopter "worked". I was just amazed that they couldn't come up with a more realistic looking "pilot". Additionally, the show kept a bunch of my friends gainfully employed for a few years.
I also thought the change from "It's Her or Me" to "Now That I've Seen Her" - just made a clumsy lyric even moreso.
And "The American Dream" number always had me asking, "WHY!?!??"