Good late afternoon/Early Evening all!
I spent a lazy day as well. It rained most of the day. Sometimes very hard and with many lightning flashes. Since I didn't want to fry the new computer, I stayed off and watched some DVD's.
I bought my Star Trek DVD with The Inner Light and enjoyed it very, very, very (that's 3 verys much). I also bought the Conan DVD I always wanted. Last but not least, I discovered that Rodgers & Hammerstein’s Cinderella. I remember I loved that as a kid. Still do.
[move=left,scroll,6,transparent,100%]Happy, Happy, Happy Birthday, Der Brucer![/move]
I dreamed about you guys at Joe Allens. In fact, I dreamed about Bruce. You were not there but they named a dinner after you on the menu. I read it quite plainly. Bruce Kimmel $30.00 in white lettering. I don’t know what it was—chicken, fish, beef but it would be fun to know, what would you want it to be if you had a meal named after you at Joe Allens? I think it’s cool to know that I dream in stuff that can be read as well as in color, with sound and special effects.
I shall try to be at chat tonight but I do have a request. Instead of Pacific Mean time, can we have it at some other kind of time? How about Pacific Nice time or Pacific Waltz time or Pacific BK time? I’ve had enough of Mean for one week.
I’m so sorry to hear that you rehurt your back, Elmore. Good healing vibes to you!
My ear continues to be plugged up, I’m starting to get worried about my hearing. I have to go for my post operation x-ray tomorrow. I think I shall also be giving the doctor a call about my ear.